Hello - you're here looking for videos to go with the Safe Caravan Towing Manual by Truck Friendly. Here they are, either click the words in the list below, or scroll down to find your video, and don't forget the Towing Weights…

Many people are have a negative view of EVs based on incorrect, or outdated information.
Conversely, some pro-EV people will take any fact or viewpoint that isn't absolutely pro-EV and try and argue it away whilst claiming if only we all drove…

Reader question:
Hello Robert, first off, many thanks for your very informative video's . ( the best on Youtube, by far) please keep them coming. I tell others to watch them. After watching your videos ( on sway, in particular) it highlighted…

A bad driver is usually defined as 'not me', but in reality it might well be you...
Before anyone claims to be a good, or even a bad driver we need to define what sort of driving we're talking about. It is…

Towing weights are really complex, but unfortunately, you have to know what your limits are and how to operate within them. I recently carried out an electric vehicle vs diesel tow test, and as part of that I had to select a…

I used to start articles with something like "electric vehicles are the future, like it or not" but now I need to change that to "electric vehicles are here now, and taking over".
You'll have seen all the change; the EU recently…

Reader question:
Hi Robert, been watching your videos on towing, very helpful. I am confused about one thing though. After watching your video “what I should tow with” we had a LC300 on order and a van that will come in right…

The Project has tackled the problem of caravan sway in this video:
It's great to see that the problem is getting national media attention! Unfortunately, some of the advice in the video is not just wrong, but potentially deadly. So, I'd like…

Trailers are, literally, a drag to tow. They sap power from the towcar, reduce range, and reduce offroad capability. They are also a big, heavy, potentially dangerous object to have exerting a force on your car.
Electric trailers can change a lot…

There's a persistent myth about not using cruise control in the wet. It is perpetutated by posts like this:
I had a wreck a couple of weeks ago and totaled our Lincoln Town Car. I hydroplaned on Hwy 135 between Gladewater &…