Caravan towing safety is becoming more and more of a problem; van makers consistently state weights which are lighter than the reality, and towcar makers overstate the ability of their cars to tow. And, van makers appear to pay abolsutely no attention…
Reader comment on YouTube:
Great video, thank you [ video embedded below]. I will throw this out there just for discussion.
What if you apply light to perhaps moderate normal braking during a sway event, (Tow vehicle and Trailer), and apply…
Reader question:
I am the person responsible for posting the recent question on the caravan and camping forum. Being new to social media, I had no idea what sort of s##t storm I could create! I have read lots of your articles…
"Hi Robert after watching the towing webinar I have ended questioning my self I own a Mitsubishi Triton MR auto twin cab 4x4 and I’m thinking of buying a Titanium off Road van 18’ single axle as with an ATM of 2880kg…
Blokes, we need to fix this.
Women are around 50% of the population, but a small fraction of the 4X4 world. Now why is this? Nature, or nurture? We don't need to aim for 50%, but we do need to ensure that…
Reader question:
"Hi Robert,
I hope you don’t mind me asking a direct one on one question.
I have a 2016 200 and tow on sand quite a bit. ABH, that kind of thing.
I have generally been very happy with the…
Question from a reader:
Hi Robert, I appreciate your informative Youtube videos and appreciate your approach to explaining things. I am looking a purchasing an offroad trailer, with most of my 4wding is in the Vic high country I would like your…
The image above is of Google Maps. It shows where a campsite actually is, vs where Google thinks it is.
Maps have always had errors, either at production, or introduced over time through age. But, when we had to look at paper…
A very common question is "can I tow...?" and in this case, it's a Ford Ranger with a camper pulling a caravan.
Here's the question:
Hi Robert, I was told by a couple of people to contact you for some unbiased advice.…
Overloading recreational vehicles is becoming more and more of a's how to keep legal and safe.
The Australian people are getting steadily heavier over time, and so too are our camping vehicles to the point where their weight exceeds various limits…