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Life’s too short for boring cars

I’m Robert Pepper, a journalist specialising in 4X4s, sports cars, towing and camping. This is my professional site where you can find out more about what I do and check out some of my work – I make videos, write books, blogs and articles, and maintain an active Facebook page. Here’s my latest writings:

If you don’t eat, you die. That’s primarily why I eat. Of course, if the experience can be pleasurable that’s
You have may noticed 4WDs aren't popular in some quarters. There's a lot of sensationalism, liberally sprinkled with phrases like
Hmmmm”. “No.” “We’ll be ok”. “No!” “It’s not that bad. Bit steep, but it won’t be a drama.” “No way
I’d heard a lot about Land Rover Experience, some good, some not so good. To make up my own mind
This story has only two possible conclusions - either the Teknikens Värld magazine has gone to elaborate lengths to fake
Another month and another accident at Fraser Island, again involving a rented 4WD, although one driven by Aussies. Still, doesn’t

And more about what I do:


My YouTube Channel is where I create videos explaining how things work, techniques to use and plenty more. It’s a bit different to the average automotive channel. I don’t do hyped-up enthusiasm, insincere product promotions or gush about awesomeness. I also interview people with interesting things to say for my webinar series.


I’m proud of my Facebook page where a small but loyal group of people interested in my work discuss all sorts of related topics. It’s a tough crowd at times, so knowledgeable but fair.


I’ve written two calculators, one for towing weights and the other for tyre sizes.


I’ve written four books, and you can find more about each of them on this site:

The 4WD Handbook – a very comprehensive book on offroad vehicles, covering how they work and lots of different driving techniques.

The 4WD Glovebox Guide – designed as a field reference for offroaders on trips, covering key driving techniques and instructions such as tyre repair. The Glovebox Guide complements the 4WD Handbook which is more detailed.

4WD Treks Close to Melbourne – describes twenty offroad trips accessible to all levels of driver and vehicle, each of which is less than two hour’s drive from Melbourne’s CBD.

GPS Vehicle Navigation in Australia a specialised offroad navigation book.