Who can weigh my caravan/trailer in Australia? List of mobile weighbridge professionals
I have produced a lot of content explaining how towing works; what the weights are, what causes sway, offroad driving and much more. There’s also a calculator to give you an idea of likely weights for your rig.
But nothing will replace careful measurement of your rig on a set of purpose-designed scales operated by a professional, and some personal explanations of the results. So, here’s a list of organisations that will do exactly that for you.
My suggestion is to review my content first, use the calculator, and then get your rig weighed. You’ll get most out of your investment that way as the subject of towing weights is complex, and not possible to fully explain in a short session.
Note that these organisations offer weighing services, not necessarily towing training which may include a bit on weight theory (hopefully) but not actual weighing.
IMPORTANT: the mobile weighing industry is expanding and there are many operators who do not fully understand what they are doing and give honest but incorrect advice, such as insisting the TBM be 10%, not calculating weights correctly, not weighing on hard and level ground, and saying things about laws when there is nothing in the legislation to back up the statement made. I cannot determine exactly who is giving the wrong advice and who is not, so my suggestion is that you independently educate yourself and use the operator merely as a source of weight data, not necessarily advice. The list here is simply all the operators I know of and does not mean I endorse any of them. Inclusion is free.
What to expect from your weigh operator
- Scales calibrated every year or as required by manufacturer, whichever is less, with certificate on website;
- Uses at least 4 scales;
- Explains GVM, GCM etc accurately, doesn’t just provide you the numbers;
- Checks limits carefully eg sometimes a car’s max tow is limited by the towbar or hitch fitted, and there is often variation in max tow depending on transmission and engine;
- Can provide references;
- Takes care to weigh on a hard, level surface as even a slight slope or soft ground throws the numbers out;
- Has contacts with engineers for modifications as required;
- Understands that weight important for legality, but for stability weight distribution is more important;
- Does not insist on 10% TBM (there is no perfect TBM, it’s very situation-specific so without drive tests you cannot say what it should be);
- Provides a written report with measurements and explanation. Report includes at minimum:
- Measurements of weight on each axle (note: some carmarkers do not provide axle loads because they simply do not appear to understand the importance)
- Margin to limit (axle loads, ATM, GTM, TBM, GVM, GCM)
- Effect on rear axle load of TBM (which isn’t simple – watch this)
You should be prepared for bad news.
Also see this on the newly-formed MWAA, Mobile Weighing Association of Australia.
What not to expect
- Towing training
- Complete explanation of towing, dynamics and weights; there simply won’t be time. That’s what you can get from looking at my work ahead of time! Then you’re in a position to have an informed conversation in even more detail with your expert, as opposed to them spending time on the basics.
If you operate a professional trailer/vehicle weighing service complete with advice, contact me for inclusion.
Does your mobile weight operator know how to use their scales?
Watch this so you’re informed.
Organisation | Description | Links |
Weighstation | Anywhere in Victoria | https://weighstation.com.au/ |
Be Weight Safe | Anywhere in Victoria | https://beweightsafe.com.au/ |
Weigh Mobile | Anywhere in Victoria | https://www.weighmobile.com.au/ |
Geelong Caravan Weighing | Anywhere in Victoria | www.geelong caravan weighing.com.au www.facebook.com/geelongcaravanweighing geelongcaravanweighing@gmail.com |
Drive A Weigh | Mobile car and caravan weighing service. Based on the Mornington Peninsula but also servicing SE Melbourne, Bass Coast and Gippsland. Other regional areas by appointment. | 0401 476 948 info@driveaweigh.com.au www.driveaweigh.com.au |
Organisation | Description | Links |
Get-A-Weigh Mobile Vehicle Weighing | Servicing the Central Coast, Lake Macquarie, Newcastle and Hunter Valley areas of NSW. | 0460 634 616 info@getaweigh.com.au www.getaweigh.com.au |
CheckWeight Mobile Caravan Weighing | Covers NSW | https://checkweight.com.au/ |
Ezi-Weigh | Gold Coast and Northern NSW | https://www.eziweigh.com.au/ |
CheckWeight | Newcastle, NSW | https://checkweight.com.au/ |
Coffs Coast Van Weigh Service – Mobile Caravan & Vehicle Weighing Service | Coffs Harbour & surrounds, NSW | http://coffscoastvanweighservice.com.au/ |
Weigh Me RV | Bathurst area, NSW | https://weighmerv.com.au/ borgy@weighmerv.com.au 0420 364 066 |
TruWeigh | NSW, ACT, QLD | https://truweigh.com.au/ 02 8003 7066 admin@truweigh.com.au |
Mobile Safety Weighing | NSW, Coffs Harbour | 0411 258 115 mobilesafetyweighing@gmail.com https://www.mobilesafetyweighing.com.au/ |
Organisation | Description | Links |
Weightcheck | Mobile Caravan and Vehicle Weighing Brisbane and The Sunshine Coast | https://www.mobilecaravanweighing.com.au/ David Lewis Phone : 0477897700 |
Mobile Weight Check | Operates in Brisbane and surronds. | mobileweightcheck.com.au |
Western Weigh | Toowoomba, Warwick, Stanthorpe and The Darling Downs in Qld | https://www.facebook.com/Western-Weigh-113145657049067/ Shane Cartwright Phone : 0438506929 |
Ezi Weigh | Gold Coat Mc, Qld | https://www.eziweigh.com.au/ 0480171701 info@eziweigh.com.au |
Weight Rite | Based in Mackay, also servicing Townsville. Can offer GVM upgrades. | https://www.weightrite.net/ 0428 626 221 weightrite3@gmail.com |
Towing Performance Centre | Based in Brisbane in the suburb of Geebung. Complete towing performance shop, owned by Cruisemaster who make towing parts. | https://towingperformance.com.au/ 07 3624 3822 |
Van Weigh Townsville | VanWeigh operator in Townsvile. | https://vanweightownsville.com.au/ 0408 491 724 |
Weigh OK | Based on Scarborough (Moreton Bay – Nth of Brisbane) Mobile service covers from Sunshine Coast to Gold Coast, to Toowoomba, Logan, Ipswich and all suburbs in between. Thur-Sun. | info@weighok.com.au www.weighok.com.au https://www.facebook.com/WeighOK/ Mobile – 0474 221 980 |
South Australia
Organisation | Description | Links |
Tow Mate | All SA | (08) 7228 6862 service@towmate.au www.towmate.au |
Your Mobile Weighbridge | All SA | https://www.yourmobileweighbridge.com.au/ |
Onsite Weighbridge | All SA | Andrew & Sherene Cowell 0410 831 923 admin@onsiteweighbridge.com.au www.onsiteweighbridge.com.au Onsite Weighbridge | Facebook |
Northern Territory
Organisation | Description | Links |
The Territory Weigh | All NT. | https://www.territoryweigh.com.au/ Shane Shewring Phone : 0459972832 |
Organisation | Description | Links |
Weigh Forward | All Tasmania | https://weighforward.com.au/ |
Western Australia
Organisation | Description | Links |
Aussie Weigh | WA | www.aussieweigh.com.au 0401 716 122 – Mark Potts mark@aussieweigh.com.au |
Caravan Weighing WA | WA | https://caravanweighing.com.au/ 0419 915 841 – Mark Baxter info@mobilevehicleweighingwa.com.au |
Vanweigh Caravan Weight Check | Perth | https://vanweigh.com.au/ contact@vanweigh.com.au 0429 080 444 |
ACT / Australian Capital Territory / Canberra
Organisation | Description | Links |
TruWeigh | Division of Olsen’s Tours & Training, specialist in women’s towing/4×4. | https://truweigh.com.au/ 02 8003 7066 admin@truweigh.com.au |
Don’t forget my many videos on trailer towing, weights, and sway…they contain explanations you tend not to find elsewhere. Three examples:
by Adrian Corker
Hi Peter great website and good information for caravaners, seen a lot of bad set-ups in my time of travelling and I’m passionate about educating people about the dangers of towing. I run a weighing business in Mackay and service Townsville and Cairns, would love my business listed on your website. Regards Adrian Corker
by Michael Paul
Hi Robert.
I run coffs coast van weigh service
We are a mobile weighing service working from port Macquarie up to Yamba.
Can you please add us to your list.