Blokes, we need to fix this.
Women are around 50% of the population, but a small fraction of the 4X4 world. Now why is this? Nature, or nurture? We don't need to aim for 50%, but we do need to ensure that…
Motorsport is a safe, risk-averse sport, right? There's hundreds of pages of safety compliance regulations; everything from your valvecap design to how old your fire extinguisher should be.
This is all wonderful, but also terrible. Because I am yet to see…
So if you've read the first instalment you'd know that I love dogs, kelpies in particular, but I'm not going to make the significant lifestyle change for the next 15 years or so to own one. Instead, I'm a Kelpie Fun Uncle,…
There's no standard for rating 4X4 recovery gear, so you often don't know exactly what you're buying or using, and that's not good for safety.
Any 4X4 recovery involves forces, and very often forces so great they are lethal. So, we all…
Reader question: "Firstly, thank you for your channel, there is some really good information there. I am new to 4wds and have found your videos on winching techniques particularly interesting (I loved physics at school!) I have also sent some of…
This post answers a few questions about the Bridle Forces recovery video:
Can you use a bridle for snatch recovery?
Yes, you can, provided the bridle is designed for it.
Can you use a tree trunk protector (or tree saver) as…
Reader question:
"Hi Robert,
I hope you don’t mind me asking a direct one on one question.
I have a 2016 200 and tow on sand quite a bit. ABH, that kind of thing.
I have generally been very happy with the…
Question from a reader:
Hi Robert, I appreciate your informative Youtube videos and appreciate your approach to explaining things. I am looking a purchasing an offroad trailer, with most of my 4wding is in the Vic high country I would like your…
I've always loved dogs for all the usual reasons; their unconditional devotion, companionship, giving you a sense of purpose. But owning one? There's a problem. A dog is a huge, huge 15-year commitment, but also a lifestyle change. I live mostly alone,…
This dates back from 2005, but I think it's still valid today.
Most of us decide on a vehicle, and use it. Sure, if you do well with a particular brand you’d be inclined to look for vehicles from the same manufacturer,…