Back in the day when print and paper ruled the world there was a simple supply chain. Your media company created words and images, then used printers, distributors, newsagents and other outlets to deliver magazines to readers.
All those parts…
Microsoft Flight Simulator now has graphic rendering of the entire I thought I'd fly it over a few 4x4 touring locations in Australia. Can you pick which they are? There's jump links in the video description.
And if you're into…
It's really easy to see something on the Internet, and because it supports a view you hold strongly, you accept it uncritically. We're all prone to it, and confirmation bias seems to be more of a problem when there's tribalism involved.
We've all seen stunningly wrong advice and fights online, but which type of forum is the worst?
I decided to ask my readers that question, and here's the results:
Yes, a clear win to the caravan forums. For once I agree with…
My first drive of the Gaz Trackmaster attracted a lot of commentary from Russians, which sent me to Google Translate to figure out what they were saying! There seemed to be a theme emerging, and one viewer posted a comment which really…
Watching couples back a caravan together is one of my all-time favourite pastimes. You know it's going well when the driver uses 5000rpm to move the rig three metres! So I've come up with a few different models for Caravan Partnership Reversing...which…
Blokes, we need to fix this.
Women are around 50% of the population, but a small fraction of the 4X4 world. Now why is this? Nature, or nurture? We don't need to aim for 50%, but we do need to ensure that…
So if you've read the first instalment you'd know that I love dogs, kelpies in particular, but I'm not going to make the significant lifestyle change for the next 15 years or so to own one. Instead, I'm a Kelpie Fun Uncle,…
I've always loved dogs for all the usual reasons; their unconditional devotion, companionship, giving you a sense of purpose. But owning one? There's a problem. A dog is a huge, huge 15-year commitment, but also a lifestyle change. I live mostly alone,…
This dates back from 2005, but I think it's still valid today.
Most of us decide on a vehicle, and use it. Sure, if you do well with a particular brand you’d be inclined to look for vehicles from the same manufacturer,…